Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
Harley Benton Amarok-6
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Chapman ML3 Pro Modern vs Harley Benton Amarok-6

Reasons to Get
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern over Harley Benton Amarok-6

Release Year
2021 vs 2020
From a more recent year
Switch Positions
5 vs 3
More tone options
Neck Thickness at 1st Fret
0.905'' (23mm) vs 0.827'' (21mm)
More comfortable open chords for big hands
Neck Thickness at 12th Fret
0.944'' (24mm) vs 0.906'' (23mm)
More comfortable at higher frets for big hands
Strap Lock
Yes vs None
Protects your guitar from dropping by locking the strap
Fretboard Radius
13.78'' (350mm) vs 14'' (355.6mm)
Easier to play chords without muting strings
Pickups Power
Passive vs Active
Cleaner sound and no battery needed

Reasons to Get
Harley Benton Amarok-6 over Chapman ML3 Pro Modern

Decorative Top
Flamed maple veneer vs None
Finished with beautiful natural wood patterns
Neck Thickness at 1st Fret
0.827'' (21mm) vs 0.905'' (23mm)
More comfortable open chords for small hands
Neck Thickness at 12th Fret
0.906'' (23mm) vs 0.944'' (24mm)
More comfortable at higher frets for small hands
Fretboard Radius
14'' (355.6mm) vs 13.78'' (350mm)
Flatter fretboard makes it easier to play single notes and bend
Pickups Power
Active vs Passive
More output
Value Score
83 vs 79
Better price/quality relationship

Other Key Differences
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern vs Harley Benton Amarok-6

Bridge Pickup
Seymour Duncan Pegasus vs EMG Retro Active Hot 70
Different Bridge Pickup
Neck Pickup
Seymour Duncan Sentient vs EMG Retro Active Hot 70
Different Neck Pickup
Body Wood
Basswood vs Mahogany
Different Body Wood
Neck Wood
Roasted Maple vs Mahogany
Different Neck Wood
Fretboard Wood
Roasted Maple vs Ebony
Different Fretboard Wood
Nut Material
Black Tusq XL vs Ivory Tusq
Different Nut Material

Shared Features
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern vs Harley Benton Amarok-6

Same Headstock
Same playing style
Body Type
Solid Body
Feedback free
Volume Knobs
Same volume control
Tone Knobs
Same tone control
High output without hum
Number of Frets
Same maximum octave
Nut Width
1.654'' (42mm)
Same string separation at the nut
Paint Finish
Resistant paint that ages well
Good sustain and needs no set-up
Scale Length
25.5'' (647.7mm)
Same string tension and fret separation
Neck Profile Type
Comfortable neck that works for most people
Neck Joint
Stronger neck and easier access to upper frets
Type of Frets
You won't feel the fretboard when pressing down the strings

Common Strengths

  • Neck-Through Build
  • Locking Tuners
  • High-Quality Nut
  • High-Quality Frets
  • Luminescent Sidedots
  • Top Pickup Brand

Common Weaknesses

  • Pickup Alter Switch/Knob
  • Weight Relief
  • Stays in Tune (Evertune)
  • Compound Radius Fretboard
  • From a High-Quality-Standards Country
  • 21:1 Tuner Ratio
  • Active/Passive Preamp

Price History Comparison


Harley Benton Amarok-6 Prices


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Which One is Better for Beginners?

Both meet 6 out of our 8 criteria items for beginner friendliness. This takes into account the type of frets, scale length, nut width, bridge type, fretboard radius, and neck profile to determine the easiest combination for new players. If you're looking for your first guitar to learn how to play, you can't go wrong with either of them.

New Player Friendliness

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
  • Comfortable shape
  • Easy-to-use bridge
  • Locking tuners
  • Tall frets
  • Narrow nut
  • Comfortable neck
  • Comfortable fretboard
  • Short scale

New Player Friendliness

Harley Benton Amarok-6
  • Comfortable shape
  • Easy-to-use bridge
  • Locking tuners
  • Tall frets
  • Narrow nut
  • Comfortable neck
  • Comfortable fretboard
  • Short scale

Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing an instrument, you should pick the one more compatible with your personal style. Still, below we'll try you to give you our results as objectively as it's possible to help you decide.

Sound Quality Comparison

The wood used in an electric guitar or bass is not as important to determine the final tone. However, some people prefer specific wood types, so we'll take a look at those first. Then, we'll take a look at the electronics to determine the versatility and sound quality of each instrument.

Woods Used in the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern

Roasted Maple wood pattern used for guitar building
Roasted Maple
Basswood wood pattern used for guitar building

Roasted Maple is just maple without a finish. It's technically cheaper than regular maple, but it doesn't have any extra disadvantages because of this. The color is darker, and it's lighter weight and very stable even when there's a lot of humidity.

Basswood is a lightweight type of wood that isn't as expensive as other popular choices for guitar building. It gives more power to the mid-range frequencies. Its color can vary from pale white to light brown. Find out more about Basswood.

Woods Used in the Harley Benton Amarok-6

Mahogany wood pattern used for guitar building
Ebony wood pattern used for guitar building

Mahogany is a fairly rare wood nowadays. It's used mostly for bodies due to its relatively lightweight. Gibson popularized it with their Les Paul guitars during their golden years, so this wood has a lot of good reputation behind it. The most expensive type comes from South America and it's still used by Gibson even today. Find out more about Mahogany.

Ebony is a high-end wood, so it is not cheap. It's only used for fretboards because it's also very heavy. It does an excellent job as a durable material while looking elegant. Find out more about Ebony.

Winner: Harley Benton Amarok-6.

Pickup Configuration

Both pickup configurations are HH. Double Humbucker (HH) is the choice for people who want a fuller, more round sound with tons of mids and lows. Humbuckers also get rid of the hum noise that plague single-coil pickups. They can work out for almost any genre going from Djent to even Jazz.

Pickups Quality

Both come with very good pickups from at least one of the specialized brands in the market. With pickups like these, you probably won't need an upgrade anytime soon.

You can purchase similar pickups to the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's and use them on any guitar:

We found the same or similar pickups to the Harley Benton Amarok-6's online:

The Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's pickups are Passive while the Harley Benton Amarok-6's are Active.

Passive pickups are what most guitars use. These have a normal output that works well for most genres. However, Active pickups are the preferred choice of heavy metal players because they offer extra output thanks to their 9v battery, which results in a heavier, more distorted sound. Bear in mind that achieving a completely clean tone with them won't be easy. So if you want to also use clean tones, you might want to avoid Active pickups.

Winner: Tie.

Versatility Comparison

Some instruments offer you more ways to explore your creativity than others. Below you'll find how both compare when it comes to versatility.

Switch Options

The Chapman ML3 Pro Modern gives you 5 switch options while the Harley Benton Amarok-6 gives you 3. This means that the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern gives you more options to find the right pickup combination for the type of sound you want to achieve

Neither of them come with some kind of coil split or pickup mod option. This makes both lacking in terms of versatility.

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern pickups switch selector and push knobs diagram
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's switch options
Harley Benton Amarok-6 pickups switch and push knobs diagram
Harley Benton Amarok-6's switch options

When evaluating versatility, we also take into consideration bridge and neck joint type, number of frets, switch options, amount of pickups and more.

Winner: Chapman ML3 Pro Modern.

Final Sound Quality Scores

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
Pickups 85
Sustain 85
Versatility 57
Tuning Stability 80
Sound 77
Harley Benton Amarok-6
Pickups 85
Sustain 90
Versatility 49
Tuning Stability 80
Sound 76

Build Quality Comparison

When it comes to build quality, we like to take into account everything used to build the instrument. This includes materials, hardware and the quality control expected depending on the country where it was built. Let's see how the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern compares to the Harley Benton Amarok-6.

Country of Origin

The manufacturing country can tell a lot about the build quality of an instrument. The Chapman ML3 Pro Modern is built in South Korea while the Harley Benton Amarok-6 is made in Indonesia.

South Korea was for many years the number one choice for mass-producing semi-premium guitars. They can build excellent guitars for a cheap price. Now, it's less common to find Korean guitars because Indonesia has proved capable of building guitars just as well, but likely for cheaper.

Indonesia is becoming the most popular country for guitar building because they can make good instruments for a low price. Some people think that they're 'the new China' when it comes to build quality. But the truth is that Indonesian guitars are more consistent, although Chinese quality has improved a lot in the last few years.

Winner: Tie

Nut Material

If you want your guitar to stay in tune and sound good, you need a well cut nut. Nut quality can be inconsistent even when comparing two copies of the same model. The best way to make sure you're nut will be well done is by getting a nut made by an expert company like TUSQ or Micarta.

The Chapman ML3 Pro Modern has a Black Tusq XL nut. TUSQ nuts are usually the highest quality you can get. Black TUSQs are made from a special slippery material that helps the strings get back to its original position (one of the keys to tune stability).

On the other hand, the Harley Benton Amarok-6 comes with a Ivory Tusq nut. Ivory used to be considered the best material for guitar nuts due to its beauty, durability, and the rich harmonics and sustain you could get from a guitar with it. However, the way to obtain it is simply unethical. Enter TUSQ ivory nuts, which are made synthetically to imitate ivory. Technically, it's better than ivory because it is consistent piece-to-piece, while natural materials can vary a lot, even if they're made from the same.

Winner: Tie.

Fret Material

Most fret wire is made of nickel silver. This material eventually wears down after a lot of use and most instruments end up needing a complete fret replacement. However, some expensive models come with stainless steel frets. This is what you should aim for if you can afford it.

Both in this comparison come with stainless steel frets. These frets will basically last for the entire life of the guitar. They will never need polishing nor replacement. And not only that, but some people also notice that bending and vibratos are much easier to perform when they upgrade to stainless steel.

Winner: Tie.


The perfect bridge for you will depend on your playstyle because they all have advantages and disadvantages. However, some bridges are more expensive—like Floyd Roses and Evertunes—and thus add more value to a guitar.

Both come with a similar bridge: Fixed. It's a simple bridge that is very beginner-friendly since it doesn't require any set-up. You can swap strings easily. It might also give more sustain since it doesn't have complex moving parts that make the strings lose vibration. However, it doesn't have the same versatility as a tremolo bridge.

Since we need to be objective, the most expensive type of bridge will be the winner of this section. In the end, this doesn't matter if you're not going to use the bridge for its original purpose, so choose the bridge that fits your playing style better.

Winner: Tie.


They both have locking tuners. They'll help to keep your guitar in tune because they allow you to tune it without wrapping the strings around the posts. This avoids variations in the tuning due to the strings changing position at the post after a bend. They come at the disadvantage of being slightly heavier than regular tuners. Also, it makes it a lot easier to restring.

Winner: Tie.

Neck Joint

Contrary to popular belief, the difference in sustain and tone that some neck joints give to a guitar is simply unperceivable—if they're all well built. However, some of them do have advantages over the others.

Both have a Neck-Through neck joint. This neck is a lot more resistant and lets builders give the neck joint a more comfortable shape for soloing at the upper frets. The disadvantage is that they're more expensive and that if you damage your neck, you can't simply replace it like with bolt-on necks.

Winner: Tie.

Here is the list of features that were considered when choosing the winner in the Features subcategory:

Strengths & Weaknesses
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
  • Stainless Steel Frets
  • Locking Tuners
  • Black Tusq XL Nut
  • Top Brand Pickups
  • Neck-Through Build
  • Luminescent Inlay
  • Strap Lock
  • Made in South Korea
  • No Expensive Woods
  • No Push Knob or Extra Switch Option
  • No Weight Relief
  • No Tremolo
  • No Compound Radius Fretboard
  • No 21:1 Tuner Ratio
Strengths & Weaknesses
Harley Benton Amarok-6
  • Stainless Steel Frets
  • Locking Tuners
  • Expensive Wood
  • Ivory Tusq Nut
  • Top Brand Pickups
  • Neck-Through Build
  • Luminescent Inlay
  • Made in Indonesia
  • No Push Knob or Extra Switch Option
  • No Weight Relief
  • No Tremolo
  • No Compound Radius Fretboard
  • No 21:1 Tuner Ratio
  • No Strap Lock

Final Build Quality Scores

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
Quality of materials 81
Features 80
Quality Control 75
Build Quality 79
Harley Benton Amarok-6
Quality of materials 83
Features 75
Quality Control 70
Build Quality 76

Playability Comparison

Let's now compare their playability. Bear in mind that the instrument will feel different depending on your hand size and play style. That's why you should always test before buying. But if you can't or want a second opinion on it, we can still take a look at each of the important measurements of the instrument for you. This way, we can predict how easy a guitar might be to play, or how different it will feel compared to the other.

Remember that, even though the difference might seem small, every inch counts when it comes to feeling of the instrument in your hands. Any variation can completely change how comfortable a guitar feels in your hands.

Nut Width

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern Nut Width
Both Guitars Have The Same Nut Width

The nut width will affect the separation between strings at the nut. In this comparison, both have a nut width of 42mm (1.654'').

This is considered a narrow width for a 6-string guitar. This means that this guitar will have a narrower string separation at the nut, which will affect your fretting hand.

If you are a player with big hands, you might find it difficult to play chords without muting strings. However, this is good for players who have smaller hands, as it will allow them to reach each string more easily at the nut.

Scale Length

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern and Harley Benton Amarok-6's Scale Length
Both have the same scale length

The scale length is one of the things that influences playability the most. This is the distance between the nut and the bridge and will affect everything from low action allowance, difficulty to perform bends, fret separation, and even tone.

In this case, both have a scale length of 25.5".

This is the scale used in most Stratocasters. It's slightly longer than the typical 24.75'' size found in Les Pauls, and it's one of the main reasons why Stratocasters have such a bright sound in general. A longer scale also means that the strings will have higher tension. This will help you get lower action without suffering fret buzz, which will also be helpful when playing in lower tunings without having to increase your string gauge.

However, this also means that there will be more separation between frets, which can make it more difficult to play. Also, bending the strings will require more strengths due to the increased tension, but remember that a tremolo guitar will offset this difficulty.

Lastly, remember that you can also affect the tension of the strings by changing your string gauge. You can use a thicker gauge for more tension and a lighter one for less tension.

Neck Profile

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern Neck Profile
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's neck profile
Harley Benton Amarok-6 Neck Profile
Harley Benton Amarok-6's neck profile

No single neck shape is better than others. However, most people tend to prefer a thinner necks because it doesn't get in their way when playing fast and most hand sizes can adapt to it pretty well. However, some people still prefer thicker necks for a better grip, especially if they have big hands.

Both the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern and the Harley Benton Amarok-6 have a C-shaped neck. This is what you'll find in most modern guitars. Most people feel like the thickness of a C neck is simply the less intrusive one for playing fast, while at the same time allowing you to grab the neck easily for resting if you want to.

Fretboard Radius

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern Fingerboard Radius
Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's Fingerboard radius
Harley Benton Amarok-6 Fingerboard Radius
Harley Benton Amarok-6's Fingerboard radius

Most guitar fretboards are not flat; they usually have a curve or arc across their width. A curved fretboard will make it easier to perform chords without muting strings, while a flatter one will make it easier to play single notes, which is good for bending and soloing in general. The best fretboards have a compound radius that varies across the fingerboard, but they're not common since they take a lot more work to build.

In this case, the Chapman ML3 Pro Modern's fingerboard radius is smaller, which means it's more curved than the Harley Benton Amarok-6's. This extra arc will make playing chords easier in this model. You won't be as likely to mute the strings, especially if you have big hands. However, playing single notes and bending will be easier on the Harley Benton Amarok-6.

Still, both tend to favor soloing over chords, so if you're looking for a guitar for playing rhythm, you might want something else with a radius closer to a Stratocaster's 9.5''.

Hand Size Comfortability

Everyone has a different hand size, and that's why it's recommended to try a guitar before buying, even if others tell you that it's comfortable to play. However, we can know whether a guitar favors small or large hands just by knowing its exact measurements.

After taking into account the scale length, nut width, neck profile and fretboard radius, we can conclude that both in this comparison favor small hands .

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern:
Big Hands
Small Hands
Harley Benton Amarok-6:
Big Hands
Small Hands

Fret Size

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern and Harley Benton Amarok-6 Frets Size
Both have a similar Jumbo fret size

Both have a Jumbo fret size. This is one of the tallest frets you can get. You won't feel the fretboard when pressing down the strings. It will give you the best sustain and all types of chords will be easier to play. However, you can end up changing the pitch of your notes if you press too hard, which is something people used to feeling the fretboard do when trying Jumbo frets for the first time.

Final Playability Scores

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern
Bending & Vibrato Ease 85
Chord Playability 60
Solo Playability 100
Playability 82
Harley Benton Amarok-6
Bending & Vibrato Ease 85
Chord Playability 60
Solo Playability 100
Playability 82

Specs Side-by-Side

Chapman ML3 Pro Modern vs Harley Benton Amarok-6
General Chapman ML3 Pro Modern Harley Benton Amarok-6
Brand: Chapman Harley Benton
Year: 2021 2020
Configuration: HH HH
Strings: 6 6
Made in: South Korea Indonesia
Series: Pro Progressive
Colors: White, Black, Blue Black, Blue, Green, Red
Left-Handed Version: Yes No
Type: Solid Body Solid Body
Body Material: Basswood Mahogany
Bridge: Chapman String Through hardtail WSC HPS-6 Custom hardtail
Neck Joint: Neck-Through Neck-Through
Tuners: Hipshot Grip-Lock Open (18:1 Gearing) Grover Locking Machine Heads
Fretboard: Roasted Maple – Dark Colour Ebony
Neck Material: Roasted Maple – Dark Colour Maple, Mahogany, Maple, Mahogany, Maple
Decoration: Glow-in-the-Dark Side Dots with Black Infinity White offset pearloid dots
Scale Size: 25.5" 25.5"
Shape: C Shape Harley Benton Slim Modern C
Thickness: 1st Fret: 0.905'' (23mm) - 12th Fret: 0.944'' (24mm) 1st Fret: 0.827'' (21mm) - 12th Fret: 0.906'' (23mm)
Frets: 24 Jumbo Stainless Steel 24 Jumbo Stainless Steel
Fretboard Radius: 13.78" 14"
Nut: Black Tusq XL Ivory Tusq
Nut Width: 42mm (1.654'') 42mm (1.654'')
Bridge Pickup: Seymour Duncan Pegasus (Humbucker / Passive) EMG Retro Active Hot 70 (Humbucker / Active)
Middle Pickup:
Neck Pickup: Seymour Duncan Sentient (Humbucker / Passive) EMG Retro Active Hot 70 (Humbucker / Active)
Switch: 5 Way 3 Way
Knobs: Dome Dome
Pickup Mods: None None
Volume Controls: 1 1
Tone Controls: 1 1